Friday, August 28, 2009

Bad Bosses

I was at work a few days ago and for those of you that have ever been in my office, you know that I have to have the radio on while I’m working. For me it just makes the day go faster. Maybe it is some kind of psychological thing… I don’t know! Well my boss absolutely detests John Tesh. In my boss' words “Listening to John Tesh causes cancer.” I have to admit he isn’t one of my favorite radio personalities, but he does give a lot of good info on his show.

So back to the other day, I was listening to the John Tesh show and he was talking about bad bosses. There was a whole list of things that bad bosses do, which was how you knew you were working for someone that’s a bad boss. Well, my boss happened to be out of the office on jury duty. Wouldn’t you know; he came in today and started talking about the very same bad boss behavior that was mentioned on the radio! I told him that I had just heard the very same thing on the radio the other day and he said that is where he heard it; on the John Tesh show. Imagine my surprise when he told me that he had been listening to John Tesh; well he claims he likes the music on the station which is why he was listening in the first place. I don’t know if I really buy that is a believable excuse but I’ll accept that one this time!

Back to bad boss behavior! My boss printed out the list of bad boss behavior because he was concerned as to whether he exhibited any of these behaviors. Naturally like any good employee I told him that he was guilty of every one of them. I mean just because I think he is great doesn’t mean I should let his head get big, right? I mean how would he get to work if he can’t fit his head in the door? If you ask me I was doing him a service. Nothing like a good dose of reality to keep that head from inflating! After he finished reading the list of bad boss behavior we talked of former bosses.

I once had a boss that exhibited almost every single one of the behaviors on the list. Seriously, she almost made me have a nervous breakdown! Luckily I was able to hold myself together even though there were times when I was sure I would pull out all my hair and hers if she didn’t stop harassing me!

The moral of the story… just think that if you have a bad boss and can put up with it, any boss in the future will pale in comparison. Every single boss I have had since working for the dragon lady has been mild in comparison. I guess that is why I can relate to “The Devil Wears Prada.” I love that movie!

1 comment:

  1. I always tell myself - If I can handle some of the bad bosses that I had while in the service, I can handle anything and anyone!!!!!
